This time, we'll talk about "amazake."
It's a drink you'll see in cold weather.
What effects does amazake have?
Due to the popularity of amazake, it seems that young people are drinking it more and more these days.
Amazake is a traditional Japanese food made using the same fermentation method as yogurt, natto, and miso.
It contains vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B6, folic acid, oligosaccharides, dietary fiber, cysteine, arginine, glutamine, glucose, and other ingredients that are garnering attention for their beauty benefits.
• Obesity prevention
• Whitening effect (It also has moisturizing and heat-retaining effects, which improves blood circulation. Improved blood circulation leads to natural skin turnover, which helps eliminate waste products, and makes the skin less susceptible to blemishes.)
• Diabetes prevention
• Cancer prevention
• Stroke prevention
• Prevent osteoporosis
• Hypertension
It's so effective that it's sometimes called a drinking drip.
I thought "amazake" meant "sake lees," but...
There is another type of amazake, which is made from rice koji.
Both have in common the fact that they are effective for beautiful skin.
Sake lees are what remains after the sake has been pressed out and contain the alcoholic components.
Rice koji is made by fermenting mashed rice with koji mold and does not contain any alcoholic ingredients.
When making amazake using sake lees, you need to add sugar to make it sweet.
Amazake made from rice malt requires fermentation, which takes time and effort.
It has a natural sweetness without adding sugar.
If you are on a diet, amazake made from rice koji might be a good choice.
I recommend Japanese fermented drinks!